Go Blue ’22—The Berkeley Democratic Club’s Gala
Cornerstone Berkeley 2367 Shattuck Ave, BerkeleyYou're invited to attend the Berkeley Democratic Club Gala on Jan. 22, 2022, 6-8 pm.
All politics is local politics, and the struggle ahead of us starts right here at home. The Berkeley Democratic Club is the oldest Democratic Club in Alameda County, and the oldest Democratic Club in California still active today. Founded in 1934 to support Upton Sinclair's inspiring campaign for Governor as part of his movement to End Poverty In California (EPIC), we're proud to champion Democratic causes locally and abroad. Berkeley is the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement. Berkeley was a home location for the Black Panther Party's revolutionary stand against police brutality and poverty in African American communities throughout the United States. It's our civic duty to carry these traditions forward and fight for equality, justice, and environmental sustainability in our backyard so that Berkeley can continue to shine as a beacon of effective, progressive Democratic governance.
Purchase your Gala ticket $50.00 - $500.00: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-blue-22-the-berkeley-democratic-clubs-gala-tickets-208363780677